
Abby's Adventure

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Literature Text

       It was a beautiful spring day in the Sinnoh region. A light rain had just fallen leaving a light coat of water on the grass. When the sunlight hit the wet grass it created a dazzling cascade of colors that shined with the light of a hundred rainbows. Various Pokemon stopped in their tracks to watch the colorful spectacle. However, the beauty of the scene was quickly interrupted by a loud playful squeal as a small Totodile came running through the grass with wild abandon.

"(Mom Dad hurry up!)" The young Totodile yelled loudly as she ran ahead of her parents through the forest. Following behind her were a badly scarred Charizard and a Servine walking along at a leisurely pace.

"(Abby dear please slow down.)" The Servine called to her daughter. "(It's not like the lake is going anywhere.)" But Abby wasn't listening to her mother as she continued to run ahead.

The Servine sighed and shook her head as the Charizard looked down at her. "(Come on Ivy, she's just excited. It is her first birthday after all and it's not like she's going to get lost with the two of us keeping an eye on her. So relax and let her have some fun.)" Ivy closed her eyes and nodded her head in agreement.

"(I know nothing's going to happen with us watching her Charmin. But I just can't help but worry about her.)" Charmin smiled at his mate. "(That's what makes you such a great mother. Even when there is no danger around you're still concerned for Abby's safety.)" Ivy just shrugged in response. "(I guess so. Although sometimes I worry that I'm being overprotective of her.)"

Charmin wasn't quite sure what to say to that so he didn't respond and just continued to follow after his playful daughter.

After a few more minutes they arrived at their destination, Lake Verity. Ever since Ivy had told her daughter stories about the lake spirit Mesprit Abby had always wanted to go to the lake and see the mysterious Pokemon. So on the occasion of her first birthday Ivy had promised to take her daughter to the lake. Their trainer, Erin, had no problem with them leaving for the day. The group had been battling a lot more lately with Erin's appointment as gym leader of the Hearthome City to replace Fantina and she saw no reason that she and her Pokemon couldn't use a day off. Plus the fact that it was Abby's birthday had helped to sway her decision.

As Charmin and Ivy slowly approached the lake they could see Abby near the shoreline staring into he lake with rapt fascination. Ivy and Charmin slowly approached her as she looked up at her parents, confusion evident on her young face.

"(Where's Mesprit mom? I thought you said it lived in the lake?)" Ivy smiled and placed a vine around her daughter's shoulder. "(Mesprit doesn't just appear to anyone sweety, it's a very shy Pokemon and will only appear to someone who it trusts. But don't worry, I'm sure that you'll get a chance to see Mesprit today. All we have to do is wait.)" Abby didn't answer and just turned back to the lake with a disappointed look on her face. Charmin and Ivy looked at each other for a second before Charmin leaned down to try and cheer up his daughter.

"(Abby I know your disappointed but it's okay if you don't get to see Mesprit today. Most Pokemon go their whole lives without seeing it. And you still have your entire life ahead of you.)" Abby didn't answer and just idly picked at the grass. Charmin seemed to think for a second about how he could cheer Abby up when a small grin came to his face.

Without warning Charmin playfully lunged at Abby and held her down while he began to tickle her belly with the tips of his claws. Abby tried to keep herself from laughing but failed miserably as she burst into uncontrollable giggles. Ivy joined in and tickled the squirming Totodile as well as tears fell from her eyes.

After a minute Charmin and Ivy let Abby get up. Her face was red and she was still giggling but more importantly she was grinning ear to ear. "(Now that's more like it. Do you feel better sweety?)" Abby nodded her head as Charmin picked her up in his arms.

"(That's a good girl, now how about that lunch and then you and mom can go looking for Mesprit yourselves. I'm sure that together the two of you will find it easily.)" Abby looked at the lake one more time before nodding her head in understanding. "(Alright dad, I guess I can wait a few more minutes. But let's not take too long to eat, I want to go exploring.)"


"(Mom over here I think that I found something!)" Abby yelled at the top of her lungs. She and Ivy were on the other side of the lake still searching for any trace of Mesprit. Charmin was a little ways off trying to find some more berries for Abby which left Ivy to keep an eye on her while she explored.

So far they hadn't found anything and Ivy was starting to get tired. She knew that the chances that they would actually find the legendary Pokemon were almost nil and was starting to seriously regret telling Abby all those bed time stories about the Lake Trio. Still it was her birthday and Ivy wanted her daughter to have a good time, even if that meant spending the whole day searching for a something they were almost certain never to see.

Ivy slowly slid over to her daughter who had a triumphant look on her face as she held up a small red stone in her paws. "(Look I think it's one of those gems that Mesprit has on it's body. Maybe Mesprit lost it. Or maybe it was stolen.)" Abby said excitedly as she happily jumped up and down. Ivy on the other hand was skeptical of her find but rather than disappoint her daughter she just smiled and patted her on the head.

"(Very nice Abby.)" Ivy said while returning the stone to her daughter's paw. "(Now how about we go and see what your father's up to, I'm sure that he would like to see what you found.)" Abby didn't answer and Ivy turned to see why. She saw that Abby was transfixed on something in woods but she couldn't see what. Slowly she slid over to her and leaned down. "(What is it Abby, did you see something?)" Abby nodded her head. "(I think I saw Mesprit in the woods mom.)" Abby whispered as if the sound of her voice would scare the legendary Pokemon.

Ivy again looked where Abby's eyes were transfixed but she couldn't see anything. "(Are you sure honey, I mean it could have been a Staravia flying through the trees. Maybe you just couldn't see it very well because of all the shadows.)" Abby shook her head. "(No, I know what I saw mom. Mesprit was there, just floating through the forest. It looked just like it did in the books you read to to me, with the two long tails and the pink face and...)" Abby trailed off as her eyes suddenly got wide.

"(There it is!)" Abby yelled excitedly and without warning she ran off into the forest. Ivy just sat there in shock for a second before quickly following after her daughter. "(Abby come back here right this instant!)" Ivy yelled after her daughter as she disappeared into the foliage. But Abby was already out of earshot and Ivy ran after her.

Although Ivy was faster than Abby the small Totodile could easily disappear in the thick bushes and Ivy quickly lost sight of her. Ivy looked around, trying to find any trace of where Abby had gone but there was no sign of her, it was as if she had just vanished into thin air.

Ivy started to panic and breathe heavily as she continued to look around while yelling out for her daughter. "(Abby! Abby please answer me! ABBY!!)" She screamed at the top of her lungs. But there was no response and Ivy immediately began to assume the worst as she continued to frantically search for Abby.

The sound of flapping wings brought pause to her search as she looked up to see Charmin hovering over her. A second later he landed and quickly ran up to Ivy looking terribly worried.

"(Ivy is everything alright? I saw you run into the forest after Abby and then a minute later I heard you yelling out for her. Is she okay? Where is she?)" Ivy was borderline hysterical with worry by this point and it took all of her concentration to keep herself calm enough to tell him what had happened.

"(Abby...she thought she saw Mesprit and ran after it and I followed but, I lost track of her and she's lost and alone in the woods by herself. What if she get's hurt, or runs into a dangerous Pokemon, or...)" Ivy trailed off as she started to breathe more heavily while tears fell from her eyes. Charmin could see she was on the verge of a full blown panic attack and knew that he had to do something to calm her down.

He quickly strode over to her and gently grabbed her with his claws before leaning down and locking eyes with her. "(Ivy you need to calm down. I realize you're worried and so am I but we're going to find her. She can't have gotten far and this is not a terribly dangerous area so I highly doubt anything could have happened to her. So I need you to take a deep breath and relax. We are going to find Abby safe and sound. Don't let a doubt enter your mind. Do you understand?)"

Ivy slowly took several deep breath's in and out as she started to calm down. "(You're right Charmin, we're going to find her.)" Ivy quietly said as Charmin let go of her. "(Good, and don't worry Ivy, knowing Abby I'm sure that right now she's found a nice shady spot under a tree and is taking a nap while waiting for us to show up.)" Ivy just nodded her head in agreement as the two of them set out to find their daughter. "(I hope you're right Charmin. I hope you're right.)"


At that exact moment a small Zorua with red spots on it's face was staring down at an unconscious Abby. She was laying at the base of a small hill with her head resting against a rock. Behind her claw marks were visible in the hillside from Abby trying to slow her uncontrollable tumble that had left her in her current predicament.

The small Zorua continued to look at the Totodile for another second before gently nudging her with it's nose. Abby didn't respond so the young Pokemon tried again, bumping her nose against the Totodile's snout a little harder. This time Abby's eyes shot open and she quickly jumped back out of shock while the Zorua followed suit. Abby ran behind the rock that she had hit her head on while the Zorua transformed into a Pichu with red freckles and jumped into a nearby bush.

Both Pokemon stayed that way for a good minute before the Zorua cautiously poked it's head out and transformed back to it's normal appearance. Abby poked her head out and both Pokemon just stared at each other for several seconds before the Zorua finally broke the silence. "(Who are you?)" The Zorua asked in a feminine voice.

Abby looked back at the Zorua for a second before crossing her arms and turning her head away from the Zorua. "(Why should I tell you? How do I know that I can trust you and you're not going to attack me?)" Abby said. The Zorua didn't have an answer to that so instead she simply walked out of he bush and right over to Abby.

"(Okay then, how about I tell you my name first. I'm Morrigan and I give you my word that I will not attack you. I just found you laying there a few minutes ago and I just want to help, alright?)" Abby continued to stare back at Morrigan for a few more seconds before lowering her guard and taking a few steps closer to the Zorua. The two of them locked eyes for a few seconds before Abby smiled and extended her paw.

"(I'm Abby, a pleasure to meet you Morrigan.)" Abby said as she shook the slightly shocked Zorua's paw. Morrigan quickly got over her shock and returned Abby's smile as she shook her paw. "(Nice to meet you too Abby. But, if you don't me asking, what are you doing out here, you seem kind of...young to be out on your own?)"

Abby narrowed her eyes and started to pout. "(Hey, you don't look all that older than me. I could ask you the exact same question.)" Morrigan just shrugged and gave a toothy grin. "(Okay so I'm hiding from my parents. Apparently they don't like it when I turn into a Parasect to scare a silly little Lucario and gave me a time-out. No way am I going to spend my afternoon sitting on my butt doing nothing so I ran off to find some adventure of my own. What about you, same thing? Minus the turning into a Parasect.)" Abby sighed as a sad expression came to her face.

"(No. I was with my mom and dad at Lake Verity but when I thought I saw Mesprit in the woods I couldn't help myself and I ran after it. I was so stupid, I shouldn't have just run from my parents like that. After everything they told me about always sticking with them and never going off by myself.)" Abby angrily kicked the ground as a tear fell from her eye. Morrigan noticed and came to her side. "(Abby I'm sorry to hear about that but maybe...wait a minute did you say you were chasing a Mesprit?)"

Abby just nodded. "(Yeah, it's one of my favorite Pokemon. When I was younger my mom read me all sorts of stories about it. I was so happy that my parents were taking me to the lake for my birthday today but right now they must be so worried. Oh what am I going to do?)" Abby said as she continued to sink down farther into despair.

"(Umm, Abby I think I have a bit of a confession to make.)" Abby wiped the tears from her eyes as she turned to Morrigan. "(What's that?)" Morrigan turned away from Abby for a second before looking back at her. "(I was the Mesprit that you saw earlier.)" Abby's eyes got wide in shock. "(WHAT?!)" Morrigan nodded. "(Yeah, you see I can make myself look like any Pokemon and I had never tried that one before so I was hoping to surprise some random Pokemon and maybe play some tricks on them but uhh, sorry.)"

Abby just stared at Morrigan for a second before slowly getting to her feet and looking down at the Zorua. "(You mean that was you I followed earlier?)" Morrigan sheepishly grinned. "(Yeah, but I swear I didn't mean any harm.)" Abby didn't answer and took several steps back from Morrigan who quickly got to her feet.

"(Listen Abby what if I could help you find your parents? I live around here and I know how to get to Lake Verity. It's the least I can do after being the one who got you lost.)" Abby looked at Morrigan suspiciously for a few more seconds before tentatively stepping forward. "(Alright, and Morrigan...I guess I can forgive you. I was the one who ran after you. Even though it was a poor illusion.)"

Morrigan frowned and a second later she disappeared in a flash of light only to be replaced by a Scyther. Abby took a step back out of shock but quickly burst into laughter and fell to the ground as Morrigan looked at her quizzically. "(What? What's so funny? I'm a terrifying Scyther, I've got blades for arms, I've freckles and cute baby blue eyes right?)" Abby sat up and nodded as Morrigan transformed back.

"(Alright so it's not perfect but-)" Morrigan was interrupted by a loud crash erupted overhead that caused both Pokemon to jump in fright and run under a nearby bush. As the two of them poked their heads out a blue streak of lightning lit up the sky followed a few seconds later by another crash. The two of them huddled closer together as dark clouds started to move in and cover the sky. A few seconds later the sky opened up and the rain started to fall.

Morrigan groaned loudly. "(Great, now were stuck here together until the storm's over.)" Abby looked over at Morrigan who was curled up in a ball and then back at the rain. "(What do you mean were stuck here, it's just rain. What are you afraid to get wet?)" Morrigan rolled her eyes in response. "(Maybe it's just a little rain for you but for me it's a week's worth of grooming down the drain.)"

Abby frowned and without another word grabbed Morrigan's paw and pulled the stubborn Zorua out of the bush with her. (Hey, hey! Didn't you hear me, I'm not going out in the rain.)" Abby crossed her arms and shook her head. "(Fine, then you can just point me in the direction of the lake and I'll go look for my parents by myself.)" Morrigan looked at Abby for a second and then at her already ruined coat before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"(Well I'm already wet so I might as well show you. Besides I can't let a little kid like you run around the woods by yourself.)" Abby scoffed and started to pout as they began to walk. "(Well look who's talking miss "I'm afraid of the rain it might ruin my fur")" Abby said. Morrigan didn't answer but the look on her face said more than enough.

The two continued to move on deeper and deeper into the woods, not noticing the pair of yellow eyes watching their every move.


"(ABBY! ABBY!? Abby where are you?!)" Ivy yelled as she and Charmin slowly made their way through the forest. It had already been almost an hour since Abby had disappeared and so far they had found no trace of the lost Totodile. Ivy was starting to get seriously worried and despite his continued assurance's that Abby was fine Charmin had to admit he was starting to get rather worried as well. Although he knew his daughter could take care of herself just fine and was quite mature for her age she was still only a child and would be easy prey for something like a Fearow.

Charmin quickly banished the thought from his mind as he and Ivy continued to search. The crash of thunder brought sudden pause to their search as the two of them looked up at the darkening sky. Charmin instinctively brought his tail around so it was covered by his wings and continued to walk on as the first drops of rain began to fall. Ivy could tell he was in terrible discomfort and despite her terrible want to find her daughter she knew that it would be almost impossible to do if Charmin suddenly became ill.

She quickly stopped and placed a vine on Charmin's shoulder. "(Charmin we need to find some shelter for you before you get sick.)" But Charmin ignored her and brushed her vine off his shoulder. "(I'll be fine Ivy, first we need to find Abby and then I can worry about me.)" Ivy shook her head. Although he was usually the level-headed one when it came to the safety of his daughter he would do anything to keep her safe.

Just then they both heard a voice and stopped in their tracks. The voice was feminine but it definitely belonged to an older Pokemon and not to one who had just turned a year old. They looked at each other for a second before nodding to each other in agreement and heading off in the direction they heard the voice. As they got closer they could make out what the voice was saying.

"(Morrigan! Morrigan if you can hear me come out hear this instant! MORRIGAN PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!)" That voice was joined by another deeper masculine one. "(Cotton don't worry were going to find her. You just have to stay calm.)"

At that moment Charmin and Ivy came through the bushes to find a large Floatzel and a shiny Lopunny wearing a soothe bell hugging each other. As soon as the two of them came upon the scene the Lopunny immediately let go of the Floatzel and stood up. The Floatzel quickly turned around and extended his claws while at the same time stepping between Charmin and the Lopunny.

"(Who are you?)" The Floatzel immediately demanded between barred teeth. Charmin stood his ground and brought up his own claws while pushing Ivy behind him. "(We don't mean you any harm, we were just looking around when we heard you yelling and came to investigate. I promise you we have no intention of harming you or you're mate so we'll just be on our way now.)" Charmin said as he wrapped his wings around his tail and slowly started to walk away.

However, before he could get even two steps the shiny Lopunny came forward and placed a paw on the Floatzel's shoulder. "(Napoleon you didn't have to be so rude.)" She said while turning to Charmin and Ivy. "(I'm terribly sorry for my mate's overreaction but the two of us are both rather stressed at the moment. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Cotton and this is Napoleon.)" The Floatzel just grunted as Ivy and Charmin stepped forward and introduced themselves.

After the introductions Cotton turned back to the forest as a concerned look crossed her face. "(I'm sorry but the two of us really need to get going, you see our daughter is missing and we have to find her. Speaking of which you haven't seen her have you. She's a Zorua with red spots under her eyes and-)" Cotton was interrupted as Ivy stepped forward. "(Wait a minute your daughter is missing as well?)" Cotton nodded somberly as a tear fell from her eye.

"(We had given her a time-out after she scared one of our master's Pokemon but then she ran off into the woods. Oh Morrigan. Why did I have to be so harsh with you.)" Cotton said as she started to cry while Charmin and Ivy looked between each other in shock. Finally Ivy turned back to the two of them and spoke up.

"(This is going to sound crazy but our daughter is missing as well.)" Cotton and Napoleon both turned and looked at Charmin and Ivy with surprise evident on their faces. Napoleon was the first to speak. "(What do you mean missing? Was she taken?)" Charmin shook his head. "(My daughter's birthday was today and we were at Lake Verity celebrating when she thought she saw Mesprit in the woods and ran after it. She's a small Totodile with spots on her back, her name's Abby. Have either of you two seen her?)" Cotton and Napoleon both shook their heads no.

The two groups looked at each other for a second before Cotton broke the silence. "(We'll help you look for your daughter.)" Napoleon looked at Cotton in shock and was about to protest when Charmin spoke up. "(She's right, the four of us working together will be able to cover more ground faster and find the two of them, and besides they know the area.)" Ivy just nodded her head in agreement. "(You're right Charmin but it's not of us to take them away from their own search. They have to find their daughter as well.)"

Charmin nodded. "(Yes, but with all of us looking for both of them it should makes things a lot easier. And-)" Charmin suddenly stopped as Cotton's ears perked up and she turned away from the group. She closed her eyes and focused for several seconds before opening them with a loud gasp. "(Napoleon, I think I can hear Morrigan and what sounds like a Totodile. But they're...screaming...not in pain but...fear.)" Cotton said as she continued to stare into the forest. Then without warning before anyone could stop her she ran off.

Napoleon only hesitated for a second before following suit. Charmin and Ivy watched him go before also following along. Ivy looked up at Charmin with concern evident on her face. "(Charmin Abby's going to be alright isn't she?)" Charmin looked ahead in the direction they were going and saw a jet of water shoot into the sky. "(Yeah, once we get to her she's going to be just fine.)"


Morrigan screamed in terror as a large Ferarligatr charged at her with claws bared. However, before the massive beast could hit her Abby slammed headlong into it with a tackle, knocking it off balance and giving Morrigan a chance to move out of the way.

Neither of them had any idea where the Ferarligatr had come from or what it wanted. All they knew was that it wasn't friendly and it wasn't in the mood to talk.

The two of them didn't have much time to think about their predicament as the Ferarligatr grabbed Abby in it's massive claw and threw her hard. Abby landed near Morrigan barely conscious as the young Zorua tried to get her to stand back up. "(Come on Abby get up.)" She said while prodding her with her nose. Abby groaned and shook her head. "(Ohhh, Morrigan I don't feel so good.)" Abby muttered as the Ferarligatr once more charged at Morrigan.

This time she was ready to defend herself and as the Ferarligatr neared her a bright flash illuminated her for a second and when it was gone a Hydreigon was standing in her place. The Ferarligatr immediately stopped and took several steps back in fear as the enormous dragon reared it's three heads and roared in anger. The Ferarligatr continued to back away before suddenly firing off an ice beam attack. It obviously expected the ice-type move to do serious damage to the dragon but instead the attack went straight through it. The Hydreigon suddenly vanished leaving Morrigan standing on her hind leg's trying to appear intimidating.

The Ferarligatr blinked a few times in surprise before grinning wickedly and running at Morrigan. Morrigan jumped out of the way and ran over to Abby who was leaning against a tree trying to clear the stars in her vision. "(Abby come on we have to get moving.)" Again Abby shook her head. "(I can't Morrigan I just feel so dizzy.)" She said. By this time the Ferarligatr had come around and was charging at them again. Once again Morrigan created an illusion of a Hydreigon and once more the Ferarligatr stopped, only this time it started to laugh.

"(You think that silly trick will work twice!)" It bellowed. Morrigan stared back at the Ferarligatr in shock as her illusion disappeared. She looked over at Abby who by now had managed to steady herself. She quickly fired a water gun at the Ferarligatr but it ignored the attack. "(Stay out of this little girl, this is between me and the Zorua.)" It growled.

Morrigan tried to run but she barely got two steps when a hydro pump attack hit her and she was sent flying back. She landed hard and tried to get up but her leg collapsed under her and she screamed out in pain. Abby yelled out to her and tried to attack the Ferarligatr but it fired another hydro pump that permanently took her out of the action.

As the Ferarligatr stood over the whimpering Zorua it grinned wickedly. "(So you're that bitches daughter huh. Don't look like much. Still should be enough to get her attention and let her know I mean business.)" Morrigan looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "(What are you talking about? Why are you doing this?)"

The Ferarligatr laughed again. "(Oh so that bitch Lopunny you call a mother hasn't told you about me huh? Well let's just say that you are my ticket to sweet revenge against her and your asshole of a father. And if you're lucky you might just get out of this with no lasting damage.)" It cackled as it reached down to pick up Morrigan. However, once it's hand was close enough Morrigan bit down on it hard enough to draw blood.

It screamed in pain and pulled it's hand back to survey the damage while giving Morrigan a death glare. "(Why you little whore. Just for that I think I'll chop off one of you're paws and send it back to your bitch mother!)" Morrigan growled in anger as she barred her teeth. "(Don't you talk about my mother like that or else I'll...I'll rip your entire hand off!)" By this time the Ferarligatr seemed to be getting tired and annoyed with Morrigan and placed a massive foot on her back to hold her down while it grabbed her right front paw and placed a claw against it.

"(I hope you like this paw because it's the last you'll ever AHHHH!!)" The Ferarligatr yelled out in pain as Abby clamped down on it's arm with her powerful jaws. It flailed around trying to dislodge her but she had his arm in a death grip. But that didn't stop him from using his other arm to grab her and rip her off, taking several large chunks of flesh with her.

He held her in front of him and brought back a fist to finish her off. "(Say goodnight little girl.)" Abby screamed and closed her eyes but the impact of his fist never came. Instead several seconds of silence elapsed before she felt the Ferarligatr set her down. Slowly Abby opened her eyes and nearly fainted at what she saw.

Standing right behind the Ferarligatr with a hand on it's shoulder was Mesprit. It was a beautiful sight to behold and Abby hated to admit looked almost exactly like Morrigan's illusion.

As she and Morrigan continued to watch Mesprit turned to them and smiled. "(Insolent ruffian isn't he. But don't worry he won't be bothering you two anymore, seeing as how he no longer has any emotions, or free will.)" Mesprit said as she removed her hand from the Ferarligatr and made a motion with her other hand. The Ferarligatr's eyes turned bright purple for a second before he ran off into the woods.

Once he was gone Mesprit floated down so that it was at eye level with Abby and Morrigan who was still whimpering in pain from her broken leg. Both Pokemon huddled closer together and tried to move farther away from the mysterious Pokemon as it came closer but they were just too weak.

Mesprit smiled and slowly reached a hand out to them. "(It's alright, I'm not going to hurt either of you two, I just want to help if you'll let me.)" Abby and Morrigan tentatively looked between each other before Abby spoke up. "(O-Okay.)" She nervously said as Mesprit came right up to them and placed a paw on Morrigan's broken leg and Abby's head. A bright light enveloped all three Pokemon for a second and then disappeared.

Morrigan looked down at her leg and immediately leapt to her feet while Abby felt her head and was surprised to find no bump. The two of them turned back to the legendary Pokemon and at the same time said. "(Th-Thank you.)" Mesprit smiled and floated back a little ways.

"(You two are quite welcome. Although I would suggest that you go and find your parents before anything else happens. I can't always be around to help.)" It said before turning to go. However, before it could Abby immediately ran over. "(Mesprit wait!)" Mesprit turned and looked down at Abby. "(Yes, what is it dear?)" Abby thought for a second what the proper thing to say would be and instead just said everything that was on her mind.

"(You're like my favorite legendary Pokemon. My mom read me all sorts of stories about you and I've always wanted to see you but now this is just so amazing and I want to talk to you but you are going and I found this stone at the lake and I think it's part of the red chain and...)" Mesprit couldn't help itself and started to laugh. "(I'm flattered Abby. Not many Pokemon your age show such as interest in me. But as for that stone you're holding I'm afraid that neither I nor any of my sibling's are missing part of the red chain.)" Abby frowned in disappointment but Mesprit only smiled wider.

"(Aww why the long face. Tell you what how about I give you and Morrigan a little gift to remember me by?)" Abby's face immediately perked up as did Morrigan's as the two Pokemon stood in front of Mesprit with their arms held out. Mesprit turned around for a second and then turned back to the two younger Pokemon. In it's hands were a pair of beautiful blue scarves. Abby's eyes got wide as Mesprit handed one to her and another to Morrigan.

"(Now don't lose them, and if you're ever at Lake Verity I'd love to see you two again, bye.)" And with that Mesprit vanished in a flash of light leaving Morrigan and Abby looking somewhat dumbfounded.

They looked at each other and then at the scarves Mesprit had given them, neither one quite sure what to say. Morrigan was the one to break the silence as she smiled at Abby while helping her put on her scarf. "(Well I guess I still need to get you back to your parents. And then I need to get home, I'm going to be in so much trouble when-)" Before Morrigan could finish the bushes behind her burst open as Cotton ran out. As soon as she saw Morrigan she scooped her up in her arms and held her close.

"(Oh Morrigan I was so worried about you, are you alright?)" Morrigan nodded. "(Yeah I'm fine, and I'm sorry I ran away mom. I shouldn't have made you and dad so worried.)" Cotton just smiled as she held her daughter close. "(It's okay Morrigan. I'm just glad to see that you're alright. And I see that you made a friend, wait a minute isn't that-)" It was at that moment that Napoleon, Charmin, and Ivy caught up with Cotton.

Ivy's maternal instincts kicked in and she followed Cotton's lead by picking up her daughter and holding her close. "(Abby I'm so happy to see you're alright.)" Abby smiled and hugged her mother back. "(Sorry for leaving you behind mom. I should have known better.)" Ivy nodded her agreement as she continued to hug her daughter. Charmin and Napoleon both went to their respective mates to check on their daughters.

After a minute Ivy turned to Cotton with a look of total relief on her face. "(Cotton thank you. If we hadn't run into you and Napoleon we may never have found Abby.)" Cotton just smiled. "(I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit but thank you anyways. Although I do have to wonder how the two of them managed to find each other in the woods. And where on earth they got those scarves.)"

It was at this point that all the adults took full notice of the scarves their daughters were wearing. They set the two down on the ground and looked at them for a few seconds before Napoleon asked the obvious question. "(Well what have you two been up to for the last two hours and where did those scarves come from?)"

Morrigan and Abby looked at each other and grinned before turning back to their parents. "(You wouldn't believe us if we told you.)"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY :iconcattensu:

This is a belated birthday present for one of my best friends on DA and one of the greatest Pokemon artists I know. She is one of the kindest most humble people I know on the internet and like I said earlier an amazing artist to boot.

I first found out about her from another good friend of mine :iconaxel230: who she had done a request for. At the time I also sent her a request for an image and assumed that she would be too busy to take care of it. Ten Months later I suddenly got a note with a link to (And no offense to anyone else who has drawn them) the best drawn image of Ace and Shadow I had ever seen. Since then I've been hooked on her amazing works and wanted to do something using her characters. And what better time than her birthday.

Unfortunately despite how amazing her characters are and the wonderful personalities that she gave them I've been having some trouble using them so I would like to apologize to her right now for this story having taken as long as it did. Also I'm worried that because of the previously mentioned difficulties I was having I may have written them Out of Character so I would appreciate some feedback on that.

So yeah nothing much to say about the story itself. Basically Abby the Totodile who is the adopted daughter of the Ivy the Servine and Charmin the Charizard get's lost while chasing after what she thinks is Mesprit. She runs into :iconbehindtg: Morrigan and we go from there.

Not much more to say on this. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. And once again Happy Birthday!

Random Doom (c) :iconbehindtg:

Abby, Charmin, Ivy (c) :iconcattensu:

Pokemon (c) Nintendo
© 2013 - 2024 SnowHawk7
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Axel230's avatar
Woah, this was great :la:.
I gotta say I love how your takes on Abby and Morrigan here and how they managed to get along, that was perfect.
Ivy and Charmin's dialogues seemed a bit redundant at times (Yes, being a Nazi critique here xD), but other than that you really made them justice. Too bad we didn't see them kick butt, but then again, if that had happened we'd need a "Mature Content" warning.